Flair capes!
These unlined one shoulder flair capes tie across the body and add pizzazz to your costume without hiding your Starcruiser formal wear or your Ren Faire finery. Fits all adult sizes. Dark green synthetic satin cape measures 45″ from shoulder to hem, the hand dyed plisse textured olive synthetic cape is 49″ shoulder to hem. $60 each includes shipping in the USA, PM for details and prorated shipping estimate for international customers. For other colors and styles of cloaks I make, check out: https://twinrosesdesigns.com/product/cloaks/
For an action photo example of this cape style in black, check out https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=774876234647195&set=pb.100063744752719.-2207520000&type=3
Random thoughts:
I am still learning how to add to my website and to this blog. Therefore from today onward, I will post the most important information about the daily highlighted item(s) in question first. Then I will offer some additional information and thoughts for the intrepid few to read in the same daily post under this heading.
Throughout history and across cultures, there are examples of capes and cloaks ranging in shape from rectangles to variations on circles. These served as warmth or status symbols (or both), and provided opportunities for a wide range of embellishment according to the culture and time period in question. Some were simple coverings that doubled as blankets. Another example are strategic fencing capes designed to snag an opponent’s weapon or ‘foil’ an attack. There are also highly decorated ceremonial pieces for Church or State events. Capes and cloaks have been a highly visible component of the language of clothing throughout time. They can be a starting point or the final touches to your costume or daily wear.